A. Belousov1,2,3*, E. Malygon2,3, V. Yavorskiy2,3 and E. Belousova1
1Laboratory of Applied Nanotechnology of Belousov, Ukraine 2Kharkov Medical
Academy of Postgraduate Education, Ukraine 3Kharkov Regional Center of Blood
Service, Ukraine
*Corresponding author: Andrey Belousov, Head Laboratory of Applied Nanotechnology of Belousov, Pr Nauky, 31-v, fl.
32, Kharkov, 61072, Ukraine, Tel: 38050-915-18-89; Email: an.belousov2012@yandex.ua
This study was devoted to the learning changes in the structure of erythrocyte membranes at the level of molecular
bonds during their storage at a positive temperature by means method of infrared spectroscopy (IR). Objects of research
were red blood cells (RBCs) into bags containing preservative CPD and RBCs into bags containing preservative CPDA-1.
As membrane protective used saline which had previously been treated with magnetite nanoparticles (ICNB) by the
Belousov’s method. The physiological solution that was treated with nanoparticles was added to the preserved RBCs
according to the developed method. Sample of control was the addition of intact saline. Analysis of changes occurring in
the IR spectra of samples of control and test in the CPD medium was showed that during the first 28 days storage of: 1. In
the suspension of control of the RBCs, noticeable destructive changes in the molecular structure membrane of
erythrocytes at the 14th day storage begins. After three weeks, the molecular structure membrane of erythrocytes is
completely destroyed;
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