Belousov A., Malygon E, Yavorskiy V. How Calculating the True Volume of Blood Loss on the Background of the Physiological Loss of Liquids in Practice. Journal Clinical Research: Open Access 4(1). 2018. Sci Forschen Inc. USA DOI:10.16966/2469-6714.129 ISSN 2469-6714

In conditions of acute blood loss, on the basis of calculations of the volume of blood loss and deficit of circulating blood volume the medical practitioner must to quickly assess the patient’s condition, to assign optimum, adequate, and most importantly — a timely infusion-transfusion therapy that aimed at rapid elimination of circulatory hypoxia, prevention of coagulopathy. In the case when in the bleeding time was conducted infusion therapy, especially during surgical intervention on the background of the physiological loss of liquids, the calculation of the true volume of blood loss needs to be calculating in according to Belousov’s formulas.
